Friday, March 6, 2015

How to Order Food

Was möchten sie essen? What would you like to eat
Ich möchte Brot, bitte. I would like some bread, please.

Das Brot - the bread
Der Kuchen - the cake
Die Pizza - the pizza
Der Käse - the cheese
Die Wurst - the sausage
Der Kaffee - the coffee
Das Käsebrot - the sandwich
Das Eis - the ice cream
Das Ei - the egg
Die Eier - the eggs
Der Tee - the tea
Das Wasser - the water

Monday, February 9, 2015

How to tell time in German

Wie Spät ist es? What time is it?

Es ist kurtz nach halb drei. It's a little past two thirty. They don't say two thirty though, they say half three!

Germans have a whole different way of wording things even when telling time. We will be working on this in class. Practice counting in German at home. That will help you alot!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Herzlichen Willkommen zur Ihre Deutschunterricht!

Welcome to your German lesson!

We will be learning a variety of different ways to greet one another in German this week. We will practice these by speaking, writing, playing games and watching videos. Pay attention and always do your best work.
Dankeschön, Christine

Saying hello

The most common ways to greet someone in German are
  • Hallo (Hello)
  • Grüß Gott (Hello [in Southern Germany])
  • Guten Morgen (Good morning)
  • Guten Tag (Hello, Good afternoon)
  • Guten Abend (Good evening)